
What is pattern making

Pattern making involves the design and creation of templates from which clothing and craft items can be sewn. Patterns are made of pieces of paper shapes that are traced onto the fabric to be cut, with each individual pattern piece serving as a form for an individual part of the garment or item to be sewn. Pattern making can be done at home by more experienced sewers, or pre-made patterns can be purchased for home sewing projects.

A common way to make a pattern at home is to replicate a garment that one already owns. For example, if one has a particular clothing item that is worn out or aging and a replacement is desired, a pattern can be cut from that garment. This often involves taking apart the garment by ripping out the seams and dismantling the item into individual pieces.

The pieces of the old garment then can be traced onto fabric that will be used to create the new garment. This method will result in a pattern that can be used to create a new garment, but there will be no directions provided. This method of pattern making therefore is most often used by experienced sewers who know how to reconstruct the garment from the pattern without having details such as seams, cuff placement and button holes explained.

CUTCNC offer pattern making cutting machine, cut the pattern with high speed and high precision.


